Today I sent in my application for an eligible midwife; like anything new the process is TIME consuming and there will be teething problems: I am hoping that I have completed everything as required; You do not need insurance to apply for eligibility; I have to say that I have had to send my application to Sydney as WA is not ready for this process: Here is my step by step process:
Step 1; Go to the AHPRA website and download on the first page fourth heading ‘Registration’ on drop down menu second one down click ‘Registration Process’; left hand side blue box; fifth one down; click common registration forms; Standard Format for Curriculum Vitae:print and save this form.
Step 2; While on the AHPRA website go to the Nursing and Midwifery site and download the Registration Standards for the Eligible Midwife third from the bottom; then on the left hand side fifth from the bottom click on forms; a third of the way down the page look for the heading Notations; click on Application for addition of notation as an eligible Midwife; print and save this form.
Step 3: Now you need to read and complete the forms; to make sure you meet these requirements before you apply; I have heard that there has been a problem with Independent Midwives who do not have Midwifery Managers.... so watch this space.... I would think that maybe one way around that might be that they could sign a statutory deceleration..... as this is legally binding.... but that will be for the Board to decide....lets hope they will work it out soon...
a. Current general registration as a midwife in Australia with no restrictions
on practice; You need to add your registration number with AHPRA:
b. Midwifery experience that constitutes the equivalent of 3 years full time
post initial registration as a midwife; Here you need a letter from your current Midwifery Manager outlining that you have worked across the continuum of midwifery care, antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal this letter is dated and signed;
You also need a statement of service; this is obtained from your HR department; I rang Health Corporate Network and gave them the years I work at the government institution and they sent me a very detailed statement of service;
c. Current competence to provide pregnancy, labour, birth and post natal
care to women and their infants; this can be proven by completing the Midwifery Practice Review (ACM) or some other accredited program(I don't know of any other one apart from the ACM one.
d. Successful completion of an approved professional practice review
program for midwives working across the continuum of midwifery care; as above
e. 20 additional hours per year of continuing professional development
relating to the continuum of midwifery care; if you have MidPLUS this will be easy you will just print out your summary; If you do not have MidPLUS you will have to produce evidence of attaining these points; copy your certificates and get them certified copies; I did not send any originals of certificates they were all certified copies.
f. Formal undertaking to complete within 18 months of recognition as a
eligible midwife; or the successful completion of: I wrote a letter using this wording saying that i will formerly undertake the course when it is ready.
i. An accredited and approved program of study determined by the
Board to develop midwives’ knowledge and skills in prescribing, or
ii. A program that is substantially equivalent to such an approved
program of study. As above.
Step 4: Follow the Standard format for CV; as it is slightly different to your current one; I just cut and pasted from my regular CV. One thing that is very different is the request for clinical / procedural skills - with this one I made up a table that gave the dates of my general clinical competences such as Obstetric emergencies; suturing, IV cannulation, neonatal resuscitation etc; and added certified copies of the certificates; You must make a declaration that your CV is true and correct and sign it. The CV has to be an original not a copy;
Step 5; add payment for your application; $90.00
Step 6: you also need someone to witness your signature when you have completed the application form
Step 7; Make sure you go through the checklist it is helpful to ensure you have completed everything; although the checklist does not ask for a letter from the manager and this is a requirement; Not sure why when you provide a statement of service;
Step 8; Take a copy of what you have prepared, I find this always good practice; double check it again and then post it to the AHPRA office in your capital city; if in WA post to Sydney NSW for the interim until the office is more settled in WA, as we only came on board middle of October.
I found this process tedious especially having to photocopy and get 16 copies certified of my qualifications and certificates; the CV was not problematic but had to be changed from my usual format; the letter from the employer was not difficult nor was obtaining the statement of service you just need to allow for the time to prepare for this application; I am hoping now that I have all this information that hospitals who require credentially will not want any more than this and when you have prepared it once it is then done.... life should be easy now....NEXT STEP MEDICARE PROVIDER NUMBER:
Lets hope I have not forgotten anything and have completed the application as required... will let you know how I get on......go on be daring take the step and apply for eligibility;
For more information visit the AHPRA website;
Ref: picture; http://www.clipartof.com/details/clipart/46255.html
How did your application go? I am yet to hear back from them.
Hi Melissa,
Just done an update on my blog...no have not heard anything after resending but I have written a letter of complaint so I might be waiting forever now... lol....they may be waiting for the next Board meeting .... i have heard of a few midwives having issues.... it is a bad way to treat registered midwives...its not like we are brand new...this is ludicrous !
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