Well here it is the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia has released a draft of what 'eligible midwife' may look like.....
The Key points are as follows;
1. Current general registration as a midwife in Australia with no restrictions on practice - having as it does all the requirements for eligibility for registration under the Act.
2. Practice for at least three years across the continuum of midwifery care (ante-natal care, intrapartum care and post-partum care of women and their infants), within the previous 5 years.
3. participation in an additional 20 hours per year of continuing professional development relevant to the continuum of midwifery care.
4. successful completion of a NMBA approved professional midwifery practice review program for midwives working across the continuum of midwifery care.
5. compliance with the collaboration requirements for eligible midwives- that is the requirements for midwives to work collaboratively with other health professionals as outlined in regulation and national health policy instruments.
6. successful completion of an accredited and approved program of study determined by the Board to develop midwives' knowledge and skills in prescribing, or a program that is substantially equivalent to such an approved program of study (at midwifery post graduate level and designed around the flour components of prescribing - information gathering, clinical decision making, generation of medication order and monitoring the review.
As the model of care for eligible midwives is across the continuum of maternity care, eligibility is contingent upon all requirements being met..... therefore once a midwife has been endorsed as an eligible midwife; and authorised and provided with the necessary provider number by Medicare Australia: READ the full document Guidelines & Assessment framework for the recognition & endorsement of eligible midwives
2 Endorsement to practice as an eligible midwife (to read the full document click the hyperlink)
To be entitled to endorsement under section 98 of the National Law an applicant wishing to be identified as an eligible midwife must be able to meet all the requirements including being a currently registered midwife in Australia; being able to demonstrate through professional review of practice at least 3 years experience across the continuum of midwifery care within the 5 year period preceding the application, comply with the collaboration requirements for eligible midwives; and have an approved qualification to administer, obtain, possess, prescribe and supply scheduled medicines required for practice across that
continuum of midwifery care.
Wording to appear on the register
Endorsed as an eligible midwife working across the continuum of midwifery care and qualified to provide the associated services, order diagnostic investigations and administer, obtain, possess, prescribe and supply schedule 2,3,4 & 8 medicines in
accordance with relevant State and Territory legislation, required for midwifery practice.
If you wish to provide comments on this paper, please lodge a written submission in electronic form by email to natboards@dhs.vic.gov.au by close of business on Wednesday 27 April 2010.
My point of view is that a Midwife is a Midwife....and a Midwife should work across the continuum of maternity care....this in its self will make you an eligible midwife... but not according to the Government... we have to jump through all these hoops to be able to claim MBS & PBS..... in order to be a eligible midwife we have to be insured and complete everything stated above......
I will be putting in a submission to say that a midwife is a midwife once you have completed your course....no other country puts extra constraints on a midwife to make them so called 'eligible'..... if anything I could concede a year post registration... a graduate year before a midwife chooses to work in the community.... please anyone using maternity services can submit a comment to the NMBA... be proactive and have your say.....
lets see what transpires.......watch this space.......
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