To clarify the difference between Active and Passive activities:
Active: otherwise referred to as Category A CPD activities: this requires active participation; examples of this would be when you act as a preceptor or mentor to a student, when you participate in a case review or clinical meetings, present at conferences, lectures, seminar or other professional meetings, doing an audit or helping with an audit, developing or reviewing midwifery polices, protocols or guideline, undertaking midwifery or midwifery-related online or distance education, researching or writing journal articles, reflecting on feedback from women or keeping a reflective journal.....these are to name a few.
Passive: otherwise referred to as Category B CPD activities: requires less learning from the participant. The main focus of this activity is to enhance the knowledge that already exists.... in other words updating or increasing knowledge or skills.
Examples of this would be; reading professional midwifery or midwifery related journal articles or books, participating in midwifery skills workshops
Remember you need 20 points from the Active section and 10 points from the Passive section totally 30 points each year. Also 1 point equates to approximately 1 hour.
The MidPLUS is up for review if you have any points, ideas or something is not clear let me know. Enjoy the journey........
keep up the good werk hun
Interesting perspectives on learning but not so sure I agree with the definitions...learning is learning, isn't it?
yes Sarah I agree with you looking at changing this focus....its to complicated....learning is learning .....
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