Life is a wonderful journey with lots of lessons to learn... however I can't believe that I can still be so naive in terms of maternity reform. I have so many things to blog about its hard to know where to start:
Friendship: my friend returns to the UK this evening ...yes I am sad because we have so much in common and it is nice to share with someone who accepts you for who you are and knows your failings and understands your vulnerability: we may not see each other often these days but each time we do its like we've never been apart..... there is something so special about the kinship that women have with each other....
This now brings me to my spiritual journey.... Buddhism and mediation: there are many different categories within Buddhism... the one I am exploring is Kadampa Buddhism.. I am half way through the eight steps to happiness ( 8 week course)...which at times really has tested my way of being...the fundamental way of my thinking processes is being challenged: "May I take defeat upon myself and offer them the victory"..... I am having huge problems with this.... yes I can hear you say... that's because you have an ego problem...and maybe I do.... but it is really hard to do I have been taking little steps.... I just don't say anything malevolent ... I just keep quiet... and I don't think it either...I try to work out why I am so angry or upset... and cherish them instead...and I have to say I think it is working slowly...I did say slowly... but it is making me rethink the way I say things....I don't think I have quite reached Abraham Lincoln's philosophy; The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend; the journey continues.
Maternity reforms: this has been very frustrating these last few weeks... and I have had to cherish many times on the phone when I am getting blocked at every corner...requesting pathology and radiology access has been problematic...the reforms have been in place since November 1 2010; yet all pathology and radiology depts have not prepared for this process....I have had almost every excuse under the sun...such as databases need to be changed, it has to go through the billing committee... even staff education has not we cant give you access until all this has been achieved....FRUSTRATING.... I have noted on the Medicare webpage that they have PBS forms already but we can't use them as there are no approved courses yet.... strange this is available.... anyway after a few weeks of inconvenience the pathology process for two companies and one radiology dept has been approved... so this is good news it will be smooth sailing from here on in......
Good news....the process has began, my first pathology and radiology requests went through without a woman at 13/40 has had all her first trimester screening completed.... should get the results next is a fantastic feeling for both of us.... to have the complete package of care... just this space for more...
Singapore was dazzling, I just love the teaching, the students are keen, enthusiastic and in the workshops they never cease to amaze me with there wild imaginative stories there is never a dull moment....I spent most of my time teaching and in my spare time at Sim Lim Square the techno junkie's toy shop....visited my local Buddhist temple had a philosophical discussion about lying with a monk....ate chili crab and to die for satay sticks.... oh and I forgot I tried an ice cream sandwich... yes with coloured bread....
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