
Monday, July 6, 2009

Homebirth rally! Canberra September 7th 2009

In my last blog, I forgot to add the Homebirth website (Homebirth Australia) for the Rally in Canberra when is it:

WHEN: Sept 7th @ 11.30am
WHERE: outside Parliament House, Canberra

You can register your commitment to attend on face book

Unfortunately I can not attend, however you can be part of this rally by being a Virtual Rallier what a great idea!

Be a ‘virtual rallier’. For every person who is unable to attend we are organising a virtual rally in conjunction with our ‘live’ rally. Pledge $25, send us a head shot, your name and location and 25 words or less that you want the politicians to hear. We will mount your head shot onto a cardboard pregnant belly with your message, which will be attached to bamboo and will be placed in the ground outside Parliament House. Your pledge will go towards the cost of your cut and our continuing campaign.

see you all at the Homebirth rally, virtual or real.

1 comment:

  1. Homebirth rally in Perth at 9:30 Harvest Tce, Parliament House


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