
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The politics of birth for the private midwife: A minefield from all directions

Being a private midwife can be a minefield, you never know what action will set of an explosion. We all know minefields are designed to destroy or disable.  This means you can have a varying degree of damage from slight, mediocre or catastrophic. Clearing minefields is a long, slow, time-consuming process, and there is no room for error, a bit like the life of a private midwife. There is no clear pathway every woman (case) presents another set of issues often a new battle or the same one revisited but it is the same minefield, you just pray that you don’t step on one and get damaged. You have to select your path carefully.
What is so infuriating; the level of bureaucracy that is required…. let me share a story or two… have a so called ‘low risk’ woman who wants a homebirth, she needs to be booked into hospital as a backup – this is required by several governing bodies, however the hospitals play ping pong with you – Hospital ‘A’ says ‘No’ this woman is ‘low risk’ she needs to birth in hospital ‘B’. Hospital ‘B’ tells you No ‘we don’t have the infrastructure’ to support a homebirth go to hospital ‘A’ and whilst this toing and froing is going on….. The woman is progressing through her pregnancy…..God help you if you have a problem…because everyone wants to pass the buck.... And in the meantime the Director General has resigned; there is a State election so the Minister of Health does nothing to assist you and no one in the dept. responds to your urgent requests for help……What is the private midwife to do? However if the private midwife is found to be lacking in some capacity the hammer falls very quickly and very hard…... There is just no equity in this at all…it seems that progress is ever so slow: however I am grateful for the help I do get from some corners  and without that this journey would not be worth it….  I am also thankful for the women for without them we would not be midwives and the breaking of new ground would not be possible.

On the other hand the minefield is the choice some women make: they choose for whatever reason to go outside any boundary the midwife has…outside of the scope of practice the midwife has, and each midwife has their own limits….. now the midwife can choose to accept that woman’s sole choice at her own personal risk… as there is nothing to protect that midwife when she works outside the boundary of the so called ‘low risk’, accept her documentation and sometimes that is not even enough – the woman is only wanting what she considers is in her best interest. However the midwife ends up having to defend themselves and this means $$$$$ in legal fees, even if the midwife did everything within her power. Who looks after the midwives best interest? Not the regulatory body, not the government and certainly not the AMA - The Midwife has too….because no one else will…. This is sad reflection of Midwifery practice in Australia – I for one am not prepared to risk my registration and pay out $$$$ in legal fees…. until the midwife is afforded protection as her counterparts in the UK and NZ the Australian private midwife is becoming are rare commodity and will become extinct.

I will end by saying I have had some wonderful experiences with women along this journey and every single one has taught me something about myself and pushed a boundary – I reflect on every experience and say ‘how can I make the next one better’. The major drawback is the political battle that each case brings in access to hospital, collaboration and the support required…. The burden of collaboration is tremendous….it is a one sided affair….every now and then you step on a landmine and you get damaged….. And you contemplate when will the damage be catastrophic and you pray it won’t be you and it won’t be today.

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