
Sunday, August 28, 2011


It's been a difficult week and I am sure next week the news will be all about Homebirth and midwives... so brace yourselves: Today I rekindled my passion, after a hard week.
“Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill

I was delighted when I was asked to talk to a group of midwives who wanted more information about becoming a eligible midwife, we certainly need more: I was greeted by approximately 10 wonderful midwives and a consumer, all keen to learn more about setting up their own business and eligibility: we spent the next two hours discussing the current issues for midwives and some of the difficulties that we are facing as a profession. Whilst I acknowledged that we have some difficulties, I do think that we need to continue to put pressure on the government to follow through on the Maternity reforms; issues such as visiting rights for eligible midwives, so that continuity of midwifery care is an option for all women.
What I found fantastic about today was the interest and that it was younger midwives who traditionally have worked in a hospital who are embracing these new challenges and thinking about working in a different model of care, being more autonomous and wanting to work in the community...which is best for women, and what we all strive for...they were looking for ways of making it work within their current was really exciting to work with them to suggest the best ways forward for change... it is very important to have change agents spread out to inspire and encourage these changes; change is about knowing people, its about being passionate.... change sticks when people embrace it..and that is what we have to do... I see such potential in midwives being able to set up antenatal clinics....working side by side with Obstetricians, shared care - and six weeks postnatal care that we can provide in the woman's home, how brilliant is that? once a few people start doing it...the knock on effect will be phenomenal.... the issue is that the doctors are fearful of losing control ...and we all know when people are fearful they do things they would not normally do:

Yes we are currently experiencing some issues and that's because this whole concept is new, there is much change and not just small changes they are all huge... National Registration, new Act, insurance, Medicare provider numbers: no wonder we are all reeling with fear.... these are catastrophic changes - independent midwifery has never been so regulated... and this all creates an atmosphere of mistrust: we have to work together...

I found it refreshing today to meet so many midwives that were keen to begin to think about working within a different model of care and this gave me great hope for the future...we need to embrace the changes and work together to implement different models of care...and challenge the medical model, with this comes a word of caution.... the consumer demand has to be present; women need to want 'continuity of midwifery care'.

We still have some major hurdles to overcome with the maternity reforms: collaboration, indemnity insurance, visiting rights and more midwives to take up eligibility.

“The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.” – Sven Goran Eriksson


  1. Thanks for taking the time to come and speak with us, you have inspired and motivated us too. We have much to contemplate. Keep up the great work you are doing.

    Many thanks
    Deb Galvin

  2. Thanks for taking the time to come and speak with us, we too have been inspired and motivated. You have given us much to contemplate. Keep up the great work.

    Many thanks Deb Galvin


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