Brian the Master of Ceremonies and organiser:
The end of semester signals many things....from a lecturers point of view it is a busy time with winding up the semester, making sure the students have handed in all their work and then there's the marking, a mountain of marking...this is where you find out if the students have applied what you have taught them...getting all the marks in for the Board of Examiners..there is a quick turn around before the next semester.... then of course there are those students who have come to the end of their course...for nursing it is a the culmination of three and half years....this group of students is a particularly special group for me... as I have seen them over several semesters throughout the last two years...which can be rewarding because you see them grow and gain more confidence and you began to feel the excitement as they are coming to the end of their course.....I don't always teach in the last semester of the nursing unit, however I have done it a couple of times now and really enjoy seeing the students go out into there 10 week clinical practice and blossom over the weeks. There are off course the trials and tribulations that go with clinical practice.... the good and the bad of the nursing professions preceptors, bullying, the usual coping with being a student and time management.
Which one of these nurses will become a "midwife"?
As a lecture you also have the ability to see which students are going to succeed and those that will struggle...I am proud to say we have a large number of very gifted students in the class of 2010 and I would love to see where they are in 5 years time.
This celebration was organised by one of the students Brian a talented man who will be a brilliant nurse...there were about 90 people...students, partners and academics.. it was really nice to see the partners there supportive and proud.... and rightly was like the red carpet at the logies.... the girls were gorgeous and the guys handsome...I have to say there were some great shoes and dresses around....there was a buffet dinner again brilliant and off course desert was great.... drinking and dancing was had by all and I had a fantastic time...
Now at every celebration there are the traditional speeches: yes the academics as they like to hear there own voice... had something to say... Brenton whom I greatly admire (now retired) gave a heartfelt impromptu speech...and as expected it was brilliant, great words of wisdom....Lorraine wrote a poem "Ode to the new Curtin Grads"...which was excellent... Fiona...stunning wooed the audience and again thanked Brian for the enormous job he had done...and off course I had a few words to say....
The students had there own set of awards which was brilliant: "the nurse best not to upset because she has access to a variety of theatre instruments"
"The nurse most recognisable from far away"
"the nurse most likely to achieve her PhD"
"the nurse with the quietest voice and softest touch"
"the nurse most likely to hear there voice talking over the chaos in ED"
"the nurse who organised the best Xmas party"
there were a couple more that I can not remember.......
There are a large number of male nurses in this which area will they be in 5 years?
For me I am passionate about teaching, I just love it.... and my message is to always trust yourself and your gut feeling...have integrity, honesty and cover yourself... that means always documenting everything despite time are armed with all the skills it is now time for you to fly..... fly high and be passionate about your work...when you have passion...success follows; and think about doing a postgraduate course after your graduate year.....Well done and good luck......
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