Does this hat suite me? there is a lovely maroon gown that goes with it....is it worth up to 5 yrs of my life???? I was recently part of the academic procession at the university graduation.... and I was really inspired and enthusiastic about doing my PhD....as I watched others receive their awards... some of them looked so young...I took this picture to place on my vision board....in an attempt to see the end result.... but then when all is said and done... reality bites ....
The burning question in my busy lifestyle is whether or not to do my PhD? I am at candidate stage and have been for over a year...but have been too busy to pick it up... I need to now make a decision.... I initially was going to do something on nursing and midwifery documentation but have since changed my focus and would do something surrounding women's choices, birth, midwifery etc....I would also like to leave a legacy... something significant that changes practice for the best...but I am not sure if it is worth it....it will take three years full time or five years part-time...
I am now 53 and wonder the value of continuing along this road....Once I commence the journey I want to complete it...but something will have to give in order for me to do it... the subject matter is something I am passionate about but the financial reward is minuscule....My current workload does not permit me to pick up this study, there are just not enough hours in the day.... as for my private life.... we have seven grandchildren and still counting...whom I adore and love to spend time with as they are young for such a short time...this would mean less time for everyone.... then there is my husband, I am sure he would support anything I choose to do even if it was standing for the opposing political party to him......Working is a must... but I can reduce the number of hours I work....
I do enjoy studying and challenging myself.... the other option is not to do my PhD and continue doing what I am currently doing and get more involved in the college.... I am not sure how I will go with that...as I don't have a challenge.....
I follow Sarah Stewarts blog and she also had this decision to make..read her PhD Dropout... it is not an easy decision.... if you wish to remain in education.....I am no closer at making this decision... it will also mean I will have to change the way I study in order to complete the PhD which is usually evening study, it will take up some of my weekend if I am to complete it in the required time frame.....
What do you think? what is the answer?
It's a really difficult decision, as I have said in my blog post. After all my angsting, I have decided to re-enrol into an educational doctorate, because the bottom line is that I believe I will perceived to be more credible with a PhD, as a consultant and researcher.
Good luck with whatever you decide - there is a growing online community of PhD students who will support you if you proceed - and don't forget to do it all 'open' likeLeigh Blackall
thanks Sarah and Pam for your comments.... still have not decided... thought about it whilst in Sydney...still have mixed feelings.....:(
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