This year has started well.... a great clinical shift today lots to reflect on but will save that for another day.... however as I was browsing the Newspaper on my break this evening I pondered on my horoscope according to Tanya Obreza in the West Australian today...my star was split into three categories, soul purpose, overview and love and sex....it went something like this?
Soul Purpose for 2010: leadership;
After years of hard work...the planets are aligned and you are now happy...and they are planing big things for you;.. you are a 'go and get it kinda person' just as well as there are a number of projects on the horizon for you... you have leadership qualities and you will lead by example and be recognised for your work... the most interesting bit was the love and sex....Jupiter plans a year long stay in my sector of sexuality...whatever that means...but sounds exciting...not sure where I will get the time from though... Pluto sends a romantic tremble through the work place... these plants are all rather busy... some foreign involvement...oh I almost forgot the 'treat yourself to something naughty but nice' em wonder what that might be....any clues?
I did then go on to read Ian's and his was exciting too....
It was a pleasant tea break wondering how many other Leo's have read this horoscope and feel excited about the coming year....emm now how many Leo people would this apply too.... is it possible that they will all achieve this sort of year... maybe now I am being the sceptic.... it is all in good fun and if it encourages some enthusiasm then i am all for it... it made light reading for my break and I felt good....I was excited about the year before I read the stars but this confirms my thoughts..... its going to be a good year....
ref picture: http://www.vedicastroindia.com/pic/leo-sunsign.jpg
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