
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Homebirth Study: creates furore in the press

The Maternity Services Review has sparked a debate about Homebirth and independent midwives or private practice midwives. By refusing to indemnify this group of health professionals and which virtually outlaws homebirth.
Instead of bringing the obstetricians and midwives together the decision by the Government not to indemnify private practice midwives has created a war between the AMA and Midwifery Profession.

The newspapers are all sprouting the new SA Homebirth study "New Study Confirms High Risks Of Home Births" which is not supportive of Homebirth, however skewed the study may be... here are a few headline examples as a result of the study: Tightening Of Homebirth Laws Recommended: and

Women warn they'll risk birth without midwives
MANY future mothers say they will give birth at home without any medical assistance if proposed changes to maternity services proceed.

It is interesting that Dr Pesce quotes
"But, given the accumulated evidence from Australia spanning 30 years, facilitating and funding home birth in an autonomous setting would be contrary to the principles of evidence based health administration".

Now that is a farce......this study clearly is not accurate, there is no evidence that these planned homebirths were under the care of a registered midwife between 1991-2006 (fifteen years) and it is a retrospective population based study, that is low evidence. Why is it that evidence is not used by our learned colleagues in relation to our high cesarean section rate.... or why has the AMA not taken any notice or even commented on this newspaper article "Cesarean births risk mums' lives"
maybe it has something to do with the fact midwives have nothing to do with the increase in the cesarean section rate and we are not threatening their income in this instance...... however it is a different matter when it comes to homebirth even though less than 1% of the population have a homebirth.
It is rather funny that this evidence is being manipulated to suit the AMA......

At the end of the day it comes down to power and living in a patriarchal society. It is every woman's right to choose where and how to birth her baby, given informed choice and free from coercion.

Is this the future for Australian women......Why did hospital send the police to my door? The hospital wanted this woman to be induced....she was not quite sure and not ready so she missed her appointment...the woman was being cared for by a private practice midwife and was a planned homebirth.... so the hospital sent the police to ensure she was safe and not birthing at home......what is happening to Australian women's autonomy?

Here is a story of a "Freebirth" I found on mystic wick forum, if you don't think Freebirth happens read this story....And this is the birth story of Marley, born Feb this year
There are many stories like this one, the Australian Maternity system is letting women down, it needs to change......

Homebirth is not a crime, it is a choice!


  1. I could not agree more that homebirth is a choice and that women should be given that choice. It seems that the Hipprocratic Oath is being forgotten.
    "I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone." (Wikipedia,
    One wonders, is it the members of the AMA's 'ability' and 'judgement' that is the issue here?

  2. yes Ravani, one does wonder that.... lets see what happens..


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