Death is final... yes we all know this, but when it happens suddenly and unexpectedly it rocks you to your core.... I am shocked, saddened, devastated that a young soul is lost in such tragic circumstances... a former graduate midwife of mine passed away yesterday....I just can't believe it, taken in the prime of her life.. the first I heard was on 'Facebook'..... this raises the question for me, is this appropriate?
I have to say all the comments were dignified and professional.... however not 24hrs had passed.... for me this was to short a period of time... it is not a criticism but an observation... that with this new medium of communication that is instantaneous...and very public.... sometimes we do not have time to contemplate... its there in your 'face'. I wondered if all her family and friends knew before seeing it on Facebook? I am sure her direct family would know but as for all your friends that's a different story....
Death is always hard to understand... but a sudden death is very painful, it seems inexplicable....you are constantly questioning, wondering, thinking, reliving and speculating is there anything that could of been done to prevent it... but alas there are no answers.. it is time to unite and support each other and be thankful for the life you have...Communication is very important in these situtations to stop speculation and rummors... but that also needs time... time for investigating and reflecting.... This time of year makes it worse... Christmas, a time for celebration and families...
The loss of this beautiful talented young women's life has made me think how grateful I am for the life I have and my wonderful family, friends and work colleagues... it is a time to reflect......
"Rest in Peace Hayley"
ref picture www.mythinglinks.org/ct~ritual~death.html
How sad for her family and workmates.
The same topic about Facebook came up when family members/parents of a young girl (killed in a car accident in Leda) found out through Facebook that she had been in an accident!
yes i have to wonder about this new error of "instant information" sometimes I think some time needs to pass..... before information is so readily available.... thanks for your comments Miss Berry....
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