
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Time out for some fun! Shopping!

Wedding! what does the word conjure up? what is the first thing you think of when someone says the word WEDDING! it is a 'joining together' for me it is Love and commitment, then comes money, place, venue, guest list,rings, dress, sexy lingerie, jewelery, shoes, suits, ties, flowers, food, drink, and the list goes on.

When two mature people decide to take this leap of faith, love above all conquers all, I know this sounds corny, but when you think of all the compromising that is done, combining two homes into one, my lounge suite or yours, which books, CD's, orniments etc, it truly is a letting go of the ego - I remember it well, the two becoming one but still maintaining a sense of 'self' that is trick, that is the marriage.

It is about two people planning their wedding day, which is the first day of their marriage. The relationship and lives in marriage is more important and lasts a lifetime - or as long as it is meant too.

Now my gorgeous friend is getting married in four weeks, what a is so nice when love bites and everything goes well. When Lorraine asked me to go shopping with her for her bridal outfit, I was honoured and delighted, nothing like going shopping and spending someone else's money, within reason of course. Full of a cold, dosed up on medication, it was time to hit the shops. I was so excited, verbal diarrhoea, invitations, rings, dresses, colours, wine, hors deuv's, venue, place, girls night out, guest list, I wanted to know it all, oh so much to think about. Lorraine and Rob just laughed...........Oh something I forgot to say about the lovely couple they are both clutter free people, and yes you guessed it, I am Mrs Clutter, married to Mr Clutter but he is in denial.

We had such fun today, our aim was, a dress, shoes, and lingerie. Now that's a tall order for a day, but not for two expert shoppers who know a good thing when they see it. I would have liked to have bought the grooms tie while we were out, but that was overstepping the line....... respecting his wishes, just joking Rob!

The shopping expedition started in Nedlands at 11am, proceeded to Perth Murry St - time for a coffee in the mall then its off to Subiaco - Lorraine tried on several dresses, and finally decided on a beautiful, elegant, classical styled dress, that surpasses anything I would imagine, it looks perfect. You know when you put the dress on, this is the one! and this was the one! That's about all I can tell you until the day.................. we even got a swatch of the colour so that Rob could match his tie, thinking of you Rob!

The dress was bought,it was now time for the champagne cocktail, before we shop for the lingerie and shoes, which ever we see first. We were both intoxicated with excitement, it was all coming together. It was nice to sit and share a drink, laughing and telling stories of love and lust........ off course the two go hand in hand after all we have earned the right to enjoy the freedom of women, life is truly wonderful and sharing it with the beautiful people you love.

Shoes were next on the list, perfect, tried my hardest with the handbag but no joy - never mind you win some and you lose some. the lingerie was the hardest, we walked past what I thought was the perfect shop three times trying different places only to end up in the perfect shop, the one we walked past three times, but it was worth it, no compromising here, it looks sexy, fantastic is all I am going to say.

The day was done, all of the shopping done in 5 hours, home for a nice cup of tea, and rest our feet, we did consider Champagne but I had to drive home.

Addition: in clearing the clutter, Lorraine had more than one dogie bed, and offered it to Mrs Clutter who gladly accepted, Monty is eternally grateful for his new bed.

We had a superb time, we were like kids turned loose in a candy shop. We were both on the same wave, thanks for a wonderful day. I look forward to a wonderful wedding

Cluttered closets mean a cluttered mind.
As you clean the closet, say to yourself,
"I am cleaning the closets of my mind".
The Universe loves symbolic gestures.
Louise L. Hay

All I have to say is our minds must be totally cluttered!!


  1. so does that mean you can help me sort out all the organising that goes with planning weddings? I have no idea where to start and loath shopping....Sounds like ALOT of hard work .... registry office is starting to look better and better all the time. I'm all down for the champer's breaks tho.

  2. Mmmm, wedding shopping. And Power Shopping no less. I am very impressed!

    Looks like great fun!

  3. 'tis a wonderful thing to be maried to such a beautiful woman

  4. Well done. It sounds like you had a great time. Retail therapy is fun, especially when it's not your money.
    What a great friend you are, not even being sick was going to stop you helping a friend.
    I'm sure it will be a great wedding. Congratulations to the happy couple.

  5. yes the shopping was fun, and power shopping at that. However we were both tired at the end of it. I didn't mention that we nearly had an accident on the way home, not sure if it was that I was not thinking straight by this time or that we were still so excited about the outfit, I was not thinking. Any which way, I was not thinking about the driving - Lorraine was shaken but not stired, ha ha, all is well, I think she will get back in the car with me.

  6. Lorraine
    Great to see you both enjoying yourself.
    Congrats and looking forward to catching up.


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