International Day of the Midwife (IMD) was on May 5th. The Australian College of Midwives WA Branch, celebrated this occasion on Saturday 2nd May at UWA. It was a day of celebration to which approximately 60 Health professionals attended. It was nice to see familiar faces of the midwives that generally celebrate and come to the College events. This is a time for midwives to get together and network, gossip and generally catch up with colleagues that you have not seen since the last IMD celebration.
This time I met an exceptional woman, a beautiful Cherokee midwife who has worked with the Inuit women of Canada, she had such long hair I just had to take her photo.
It is very important on these occasions to get the catering correct, because as midwives we like to chat, eat and have a nice cup of tea or freshly brewed coffee. UWA did a great job of the catering there was good food and beverages. The day started with an official Nyungar Welcome to Country and a traditional Nyungar dance - performed by Justine, it was breathtaking.
The rest of the morning was spent discussing Aboriginal Health, relating to mother and infant mortality and morbidity. Heather Hancock from SA University gave a riveting presentation on her work in the Northern Territory and Alice Springs. She also reminded us as Midwives to continue providing quality care, remember to be happy, joyous and passionate about our beautiful career. I couldn't agree with her more, we, as midwives need to be happy and joyous in our work providing women with continuity of care. You know the famous saying ' if you love what you do, you do it well' or something along those lines.
Fun was had by all in the Laughter workshop:

With the afternoon came the laughter workshop, some people like this sort of thing, me no, its not my cup of tea, however i did do it to experience something different. But can't say i am in a hurry to do it again.
I did enjoy the last session which was the panel discussion on the way forward for the maternity review report.

The nuts and bolts of this discussion was that we as midwives need to work together to achieve better outcomes for women. So that women can have the informed choice they so rightly deserve. This means, midwives becoming more politically savvy,find out who your local politician is and start emailing or writing to them saying what it is you want as a midwife. That is a medicare provider number, this is what will give us what we want, that is access to all pregnant women in the first trimester, from 12 weeks. This way the woman will get informed choice and all her birthing options, that is Midwifery Led care, Birth centre, teams, shared care, homebirth and obstetric care.
It was good to see so many midwifery students attending the study day. We need to encourage students to attend because they are our future, and need to become actively involved in the College.
Remember to watch out for information relating to National Registration & Accreditation 2010, the Maternity Review Report, Indemnity Insurance for independent midwives and the Complaints committee relating to National Registration; All this topics will be up for public discussion and this is when you need to make your comments, make your voice heard. If you see articles in the news papers or on the news, that are untrue or unjust, respond or send it to the Australian college of Midwives and ask them to respond, this is how we are noticed. However always remember to be professional.
Thank you to all those who attended the day to make it a success.
The time is now, for you to start being heard as a Midwife.
Happy International Midwives Day 2009.
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