
Monday, November 3, 2008

Soooo busy marking papers! no time for blogging!

I am so busy marking papers I can not see the forest for the trees. I am dreaming case studies, law and ethics. Marking is fun when your students are getting it right - however marking is so much harder when they get it wrong, there has got to be a better way of testing knowledge. The biggest issue I am facing is incorrect referencing, paraphrasing or incorrect paraphrasing and PLAGIARISM, role on next semester when I will use a computer system that detects plagiarism for you. I am sure that will make both the students life and mine easier. I found this great site that helps you understand referencing, paraphrasing and plagiarism - have a look and pass it on to others who may be interested it is called The Owl at Purdue:
Must go, marking calls, the joys of lecturing/teaching.....................


  1. Feel your pain - doing the same here. I cannot believe that people wanting to be midwives would cheat! We use turnitin.

  2. Yes I am going to introduce turnitin next year, does it reduce the problems with referencing? anything is worth a try!

  3. I have mixed feelings about it. But the reality is that cheating goes on a lot and we need to address it somehow.


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