It was good to see that someone covered the Homebirth "Mother of all Rallies" story - however there is nothing like seeing red when Dr Andrew Pesce Obstetrician and head of the AMA categorically states that "he does not support homebirth".
" why fix something that is not broken - Australia has one of the best safety rates" well little does he know about women - then to infuriate women more he states
"why fix something that is not broken, why give people choice just because they want it"
How arrogant, how dare he disregard people, I could pull apart many of his comments, but this one takes the CAKE!
That in its self tells you that there is no respect for women and their ability to choose what they want - it is about being paternalist and thinking he knows best! and that is not the case.
Secondly to respond to Dr Pesce comments "My colleagues and I have seen things that would make the hair stand on end" referring to decisions that some homebirth midwives have made. Well Dr Pesce I and my colleagues have seen decisions made by Doctors in the hospital setting that would make your hair stand on end, some very late bad decisions - no one is perfect - so don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.
Have you heard of the word collaboration - working with Midwives as equals?
Thank you Sunday Night for presenting the story, however it would of also been appreciated if you had sort the view of the Australian College of Midwives / or some Midwifery input to respond to the AMA - equal for equal - not medically dominated by the AMA.
Those who want to view this show "Homebirth who chooses?" go to Sunday Night Channel 7