Deciding who to vote for?
The Australian election is on Saturday and it is down to the wire...it will be a close call. What is it that makes you decide who to vote for? This election I have been more political than ever before...why is this? Because women and midwifery matter and now more than ever I feel that my vote counts more than ever. The recent battle for the profession of midwifery is almost equal to what women went through to get the vote (the SUFFRAGETTES)... equal rights the right to choose how to birth, the right to refuse treatment also more importantly the right to informed choice & continuity of care of a known midwife.
Your vote matters.......
We know who the major parties are; Labor; Liberal and Greens; over the years I have fluctuated between all the parties and in the days of Democrats, I was a staunch supporter. I will decide on Saturday.......and I will VOTE!
I do believe that the Labor Party Nicola Roxon as Health Minister has truly broken boundaries and put midwives, midwifery & nurse practitioners on the map..... however her latest Determination of 2010 has seriously let us down...and yes I can see that the AMA played a large part in this equation immediately prior to an election.... you are going to do what you think will get you re-elected.... however the Determination is seriously flawed and will not work for women, midwives or obstetricians and they the doctors currently hold the balance of that power, this is un-Australian..... midwives are currently regulated and do not need to have Dr’s veto their practice in order to claim a Medicare rebate.....I do feel that the Labor party are aware of this problem now and will change it if re-elected......
I am willing to give the devil I know another chance as opposed to the devil that is worse......a chance to prove it is worse... but will decide on the day....
On the other hand Liberals Tony Abbott has notoriously ignored the plight of midwives and our colleague nurses, a female dominated profession. He is a staunch Catholic therefore Pro life and not Pro Choice.....Tony Abbott’s history as Health Minister speaks for itself...non productive... and I am not so sure he is compassionate in terms of refugees......I wonder if he is promising to reduce the surplus where are we going to pay for it?.....
The problem with elections is that we get so many promises we end up not knowing who to believe......I would not want to be a politician...

The Greens Rachel Siewert....The "Australian Greens said today that midwives are furious with the Federal Government over recently released regulations governing the way they practice".
......The Greens are great supporters of midwives they are the only party that has a Homebirth policy and that have put women, midwifery and midwives openly on the agenda..... and it is very important that they control the senate to keep the bastards honest.....and maybe control the balance of power.......
Issues are numerous..... Refugees; Work Choices; Health; Education, Surplus, and the list goes on.... my message is don’t waste your vote...... if neither of the major parties don’t do it for you then vote for Greens or an Independent.... but vote because it matters.
1 comment:
well the election really shows that neither Julia or Tony have a mandate to govern......50 - 50 or there abouts clearly shows a divided country.....roll on next election.....
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