The first 6 days will be in Glasgow for the ICM conference - 1- 5 June 2008 Glasgow exhibition centre. Don't forget the wining and dining as well.

The International Confederation of Midwives supports, represents and works to strengthen the professional standing & associations of midwifery on a global basis.
My husband Ian will also be accompanying me and he will be doing some tours of the local whiskey establishments and off the famous golf course of St Andrews - I think I am a little jealous!
After Glasgow we will be travelling through Europe - what another adventure, even if we are doing it on a shoe string budget!

We have booked a car to drive to Leeds - as we have family there, we will rest and see family for a few days then it is off to Ireland - destination "The Giants Causeway" watch this space for the photo's.
Italy is on the itinerary as that is where my family is and off course we can't go to the UK without spending time in London and my old stomping ground of Watford to meet up with my fellow madwives - what a treat that is going to be, Ian is in for a shock because when we are all together we are truly mad midwives.
The count down has began! the world beckons!
Woo-hoo - lucky girl!!! I let this one slip through my fingers, and am so jealous!!!!
Have a great time.
thanks Laura, you can start planning for 2011, Durban South Africa - thats where the next ICM will be.
Have a great time. Carolyn McIntosh will be there is presenting several papers so I know she'd love to meet you after all our online discussions. I can't go because I'm broke & someone has to man the fort. But I think I'll plan on going to the ICM in South Africa.
Hi, I'm going to the ICM Travelling on 27th May and up to Scotland on 31st. I'm staying with Alison Ewing and Independent in Glasgow. I hope all the Australians get to meet and talk. ( I know I'm Welsh But I'm Aussie for the ICM) Only 18 more sleeps until I leave. Being met by my mother who I haven't seen for 5 years. See you there!!!
Hope we get a chance to meet when we are there. My husband is coming too. I am very excited about presenting as a Kiwi in my homeland. My first big presentation. It sounds like we could bump into each other in a few places. I am not doing the Europe thing though but will be in Ireland and all over the UK.
great to see you are going Carolyn which day and where are you presenting? I will look out for you.
thanks for your comments Lisa, are you wearing a green shirt, and have you purchased the Aboriginal scaff (women's busness)and red Akubra, you can get the information from the national office ACM - it is to late to get a red Akubra. hope to see you there
How exciting....and great post by the way!
Hope to see you and introduce our 2 smallest boys!
Safe journey!
Love Laura xxx
Here's the details of my presentation. The Midi school from Otago Polytech are aslo presenting a symposium which I am involved in. It would be great to meet up if we can even if just to say hi. Are you going to the dinner?
Your blog is looking great now!
Session Title: Symposia 14
Session Room: Castle 1
Presentation Date: 04/06/2008
Presentation Number: S14.1
Time of Presentation: 10:30:00
Presentation title: wise women's web: Rural midwives communities of practice
Can't wait for you to come back home and share with us all your adventures
Carolyn, I have your presentations in my PDA, so I will look out for you. Yes we are going to the dinner so see you there. The Aussie will be wearing Red Akubra's so look out for me in my red Akubra!
thanks Kacy & Lorraine for your comments, and look out for the photos from Glasgow.
Laura, looking forward to meeting your new additions to the family you have been busy! will call when in Yorkshire.
Can not wait to see everybody!!!!
Unfortunately I will not be in a red akubra or scarf, couldn't really think of anything worse. I am the vice president of the college her in SA but you still couldn't get me to wear one.LOL. I will however have an aussie flag t shirt. Anyway I'm Welsh.
I will be at the dinner too. I am staying with an Independent midwife in Glasgow and really looking forward to it. There is lots of fringe stuff to do especially in the evenings. I am going to see Orgasmic birth on Wednesday evening as one of the more main stream events. After the conference I'm staying to attend Mary Cronk and Jane Evans study on Breech. I'm talking on facilitating a breech homebirth in the Blue Mountains in July and I know they have lots of interesting stuff to add to my arsnel.
See you there.
thanks Lisa, look forward to meeting you, will look out for the Aussie Flag - we will have some as well - please if you see me first please do say Hi!
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